Mukat hospital

Mukat Hospital Offering treatment for over 30+ medical specialties with world-class infrastructure and the latest technologies. Book an Appointment:9023-88-4444.

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Accreditation NABH

Angioplasty in Chandigarh | Mukat Hospital

Angioplasty in Chandigarh

Angioplasty in Chandigarh | Mukat Hospital In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern life, the significance of prioritizing cardiac well-being cannot be overstated. Heart-related ailments, particularly coronary artery disease, have the potential to significantly undermine our overall quality of life. However, the field of cardiology has experienced remarkable advancements, offering innovative solutions like angioplasty that […]

Angiography Treatment in Chandigarh : Mukat Hospital 

Angiography Treatment in Chandigarh : Mukat Hospital

Angiography Treatment in Chandigarh : Mukat Hospital In the realm of modern medical marvels, the diagnostic technique of angiography stands as a beacon of hope and precision. We are proud to offer cutting-edge angiography in Chandigarh that allows us to delve deep into the intricate network of blood vessels within the human body. In this […]

Get an Appointment with the Best Heart Doctor (Cardiologist) in Chandigarh

Get an Appointment with the Best Heart Doctor (Cardiologist) in Chandigarh

Get an Appointment with the Best Heart Doctor (Cardiologist) in Chandigarh Heart disease is a growing problem in India, and it is one of the leading causes of death in the country. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular diseases are responsible for more than a quarter of all deaths in India, with coronary […]

Best Cardiologist in Chandigarh

Best Cardiologist in Chandigarh

Best Cardiologist in Chandigarh In recent times, the surge of cardiac disorders has become a global concern due to the redefined norms of modern lifestyle. The contemporary way of living has drastically altered people’s perceptions of their routine activities. From sitting in a sedentary position for prolonged hours to indulging in hazardous habits like smoking […]

Heart Bypass Surgery

Heart Bypass Surgery

Heart Bypass Surgery The heart, being an indispensable component of the human body, necessitates utmost attention and care to maintain good health. The increasing prevalence of heart disease can be attributed to several factors such as extended work hours, frequent consumption of alcohol and cigarettes, and the like.By seeking treatment from the leading heart specialist […]