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Heart Bypass Surgery

The heart, being an indispensable component of the human body, necessitates utmost attention and care to maintain good health. The increasing prevalence of heart disease can be attributed to several factors such as extended work hours, frequent consumption of alcohol and cigarettes, and the like.
By seeking treatment from the leading heart specialist in Chandigarh, you can steer clear of this medical condition. In case you are on the brink of a heart attack, you may be advised to undergo bypass surgery. This operation involves removing blockages in the coronary arteries that have become excessively constricted, thereby elevating the risk of a heart attack.

Why is Bypass Surgery Essential?

The primary aim of bypass surgery is to alleviate the symptoms caused by coronary artery disease, which occurs as a result of plaque accumulation in the heart’s arteries, impeding the free flow of blood and oxygen. If you are suffering from severe chest discomfort due to artery blockage, bypass surgery may be necessary. Another reason for surgery may be blockage in your left main coronary artery, which supplies blood to the left ventricle. Additionally, new blockages may also necessitate bypass surgery.
Heart Bypass Surgery

Pre-Operative Care

If you have been advised to undergo surgery, specific criteria need to be assessed beforehand. A blood test, chest X-rays, and an EKG are required before scheduling and commencing the procedure. In rare circumstances, coronary angiography may also be necessary. The doctor/ heart specialist in Chandigarh may recommend certain lifestyle or dietary changes as part of the pre-surgical care, and you may need to reduce the usage of some drugs or supplements. Good pre-surgical care will help you proceed with caution on the path to recovery.

What Can You Expect from Surgery?

During the surgery, you will be anesthetized, and the operation may last for approximately four to six hours. The process begins by inserting a tube in the mouth connected to a ventilator that helps in breathing during the procedure.
A cut is made down the centre of the chest, after which the rib cage is spread open to access the heart. These days bypass surgery is done on a beating heart which is a boon for patients as it results in negligible complications & further discharge in 3-4 days.
The blood vascular graft is extracted from another part of the body, and the aorta, the larger artery that exits the heart, is attached to one end of it. The grafting procedure establishes a new pathway for blood to reach the heart. In case of multiple blockages, additional grafts may be required to address the condition.
Advanced technology is also utilized in some procedures to ensure better and healthier results. Digitalization makes it easier to repair the heart.

Recovery: Post-Operative Care

Recovery from surgery is a gradual process that requires good self-care and adherence to the prescribed plan. Waking up after surgery may be difficult, but it will gradually improve over time. Constipation may be experienced for a few weeks after the procedure, and patience and time are required for the body to recuperate from such a major surgery. Following a regular medication prescribed by the leading heart specialist in Chandigarh at Mukat Hospital and a healthy nutrition plan is necessary to get back on your feet. Expect to feel better after about two months i.e. you will be back to normal.

Unfavourable Situations: Risks Following Surgery

Recovery from surgery is a gradual process that requires good self-care and adherence to the prescribed plan. Waking up after surgery may be difficult, but it will gradually improve over time. Constipation may be experienced for a few weeks after the procedure, and patience and time are required for the body to recuperate from such a major surgery. Following a regular medication prescribed by the leading heart specialist in Chandigarh at Mukat Hospital and a healthy nutrition plan is necessary to get back on your feet. Expect to feel better after about two months i.e. you will be back to normal.

Get a Complete Care Package for Yourself

Postponing surgery is never advisable. For a reputable and affordable treatment contact the leading heart hospital i.e. Mukat Hospital

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