Mukat hospital

Mukat Hospital Offering treatment for over 30+ medical specialties with world-class infrastructure and the latest technologies. Book an Appointment:9023-88-4444.

24x7 Emergency No. +91-9023-88-4444

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Accreditation NABH

Minimally Invasive Precision for Optimal Recovery:

Laparoscopic Surgery

    Dr. Ramesh Aggarwal
    Dr Ramesh Aggarwal


    Areas of Expertise
    • Minimal Access Surgery (Laparoscopic Surgery)
    • Laser Surgery
    • Proctology (Haemorrhoids/Piles Fistula, Fissure)
    • Bariatric Surgery

    Ask a Laparoscopic Surgeon

    • Benefits of Laparoscopic Surgery
    • Common Laparoscopic Procedures
    • Preparation for Laparoscopic Surgery
    • Recovery and Aftercare for Laparoscopic Surgery

    Trusted Tertiary Care Center

    Trusted Medical Professionals

    Emergency Help Available 24/7

    Insurance, ECHS, ESIC, CGHS, PMJAY & More

    Mukat Hospital | Piles and Hernia Surgery in Chandigarh

    Gallbladder Stones

    Gallbladder stones, commonly known as gallstones, are treated using a variety of medical treatments targeted at treating the problem and providing comfort to those affected by it.
    • Dietary Management
    • Surgical Options
    • Bile Acid Therapy


    Hernias are medical conditions in which an organ or tissue protrudes through a weak point in the surrounding muscle or connective tissue.
    • Diagnosis and Evaluation
    • Surgical Consultation
    • Hernia Repair Surgery (By Laproscopy and Open)
    • Anesthesia services
    Piles, Fissure & Fistula

    Piles, Fissure & Fistula

    Piles, fissures, and fistulas are all disorders that affect the anal area and are distinguished by enlarged blood vessels, painful rips or cracks in the anus, and irregular tunnels.
    • Dietary and Lifestyle Advice
    • Sclerotherapy
    • Hemorrhoidectomy
    • Fistula Surgery
    • Fissurectomy
    • Laser surgery for Fissure, Pistule and Piles
    • Stapler Sx for Piles.
    Breast Treatment

    Breast and cancer surgeries

    Breast cancer is treated surgically. Mastectomy and lumpectomy are the two forms of surgery.
    • Breast Cancer Surgery
    • Breast Reconstruction
    • Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
    • Hormone Therapy
    • Chemotherapy


    Appendicitis is a painful inflammation of the appendix, a tiny pouch that connects the small intestine to the large intestine.
    • Consultation and Diagnosis
    • Surgical Procedure (Laparoscopic removal of appendix)
    • Surgical Consultation
    • Pathology Analysis


    The thyroid gland, which is situated in the neck, generates hormones that control metabolism.
    • Thyroidectomy Consultation
    • Thyroidectomy Surgery
    • Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy
    • Collaboration with Multidisciplinary Specialists
    Service with Compassion

    Service with Compassion

    25+ Yrs In Healthcare We at Mukat Hospital feel extremely proud and happy to dedicate ourselves to the cause of Continuous Technological Up gradation in the field of Medical care matching International Standards & consistent improvement in patient Care at rates affordable to all sections of society

    What Patients Say About Us